The new programming of the notes actually lead to a bug in the Arcade version. Additionally, if a player has all three games, and downloads the L.O.G.'s Lost Challenges DLC for Nuts & Bolts, then they can unlock special blueprints by using the items in Banjo-Tooie. In Nuts & Bolts, for each item, a crate will appear next to a picture of the obtained item in Showdown Town, which can be brought to Mumbo's Motors to unlock a special customization item. In Banjo-Tooie, players can bring the eggs to Heggy's Egg Shed where Heggy the Hen will hatch them and unlock in the following order, a new Gamer Pic, a special Banjo-Kazooie theme for the XBOX Dashboard, the Homing Eggs cheat for Cheato, the ability to use the Breegull Bash, Jinjo as a playable character in multiplayer mode, and the "Oh no, not again." achievement for Stop 'n' Swop II, and they can use the Ice Key at Glitter Gulch Mine to open an ice safe containing a Mega-Glowbo, which can be brought to Wumba's Wigwam at the Isle O' Hags and used to unlock the Dragon Kazooie transformation. Obtaining these items unlocks new content for the other games. The Yellow Mystery Egg is in Click Clock Wood when it's winter in Nabnut's house. The Red Mystery Egg is in Rusty Bucket Bay on the Captain's Bed in the Captain's Quarters. The Green Mystery Egg is in Loggo the Toilet and the Cyan Mystery Egg is in the wine barrels in Mad Monster Mansion. The Blue Mystery Egg is in the tomb in Gobi's Valley.
The Ice Key is in Wozza's cave in Freezeezy Peak. The Pink Mystery Egg is in the Treasure Trove Cove cave inside Sharkfood Island. To access them, players need to have data from either the Xbox Live Arcade version of Banjo-Tooie or Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. There are seven Stop 'n' Swop items throughout the game.