^ 'David Unger, sångare, sångpedagog, kompositör, m.m.' Archived from the original on.^ The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Age of Romanticism.^ 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience, copy C, 1789, 1794 (Library of Congress): electronic edition'.^ See the various extent editions republished in their original publication orderArchived at the Wayback Machine at the William Blake Archive.

Based on 'a rare 1826 etched edition,' per back cover. Songs of Experience Dover Publications, 1984. website, but they are in the print anthology, and therefore eligible for competition. Experience William Blake then it is not directly done, you could take even more going. The stark simplicity of poems such as The Chimney Sweeper and The Little Black Boy display Blake's acute sensibility to the realities of poverty and exploitation that accompanied the 'Dark Satanic Mills' of the Industrial Revolution. The volume's 'Contrary States' are sometimes signalled by patently repeated or contrasted titles: in Innocence, Infant Joy, in Experience, Infant Sorrow in Innocence, The Lamb, in Experience, The Fly and The Tyger. This world sometimes impinges on childhood itself, and in any event becomes known through 'experience', a state of being marked by the loss of childhood vitality, by fear and inhibition, by social and political corruption, and by the manifold oppression of Church, State, and the ruling classes. Blake categorizes our modes of perception that tend to coordinate with a chronology that would become standard in Romanticism: childhood is a state of protected innocence rather than original sin, but not immune to the fallen world and its institutions. 'Innocence' and 'Experience' are definitions of consciousness that rethink Milton's existential-mythic states of 'Paradise' and 'Fall'.